There is a rare
and special quality in the way some people live,
busy they may be, they still find time to give.
Adam Eakle is one of these rare people that we were lucky enough to meet and spend some time with.
Adam is the the host of the best Utah oudtoor show . . . KSL Outdoors with
Adam Eakle and it was pretty special to us when the big, white KSL truck
pulled into our driveway at 5:30a.m. Dark, cold and early didn’t phase the
excitement we felt when Adam stepped out of the truck.
A few hours later, we pulled our gear onto the thick ice covering of Daniels
Resevior in Idaho. I was ready to win the $5 bet Adam made with us,
winnings going to the biggest fish! It was on!
It was only seconds before I was hooked up and the fish just kept coming
through out the day. It was kind of scary when Adam would pull out his
camera but only minutes into our trip when he made us feel like friends and
family. He joked with us, mentored us and did all he could to make the
day unforgettable.
Adam is one of the nicest people I have ever met! We watch his show
religously every week and suspected this before we met him in person.
After hours with him, we can say with all of our hearts that he is the ‘real
deal’! His enthusiasm for the outdoors is not a job to him, it is
who he is. That is how my brothers and I feel too.
Thanks Adam for making our day of ice fishing EPIC! UTAH is lucky to
have YOU!