Check out our calendar and come to our next Kid Event!
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March 14-17 2019 One of our most favorite weeks of the year! The INTERNATIONAL SPORTSMANS EXPO is in town! Everybody should plan to come out to the South Town Expo Center for at least one of these days. Don’t forget to bring the kiddos because there is an AWESOME youth fair! Can’t wait to see you all here!
September-8-2018 First day of college!
July-13-2018 A.J. and Cameron headed off to the Green River to teach some first time fly fishing TEENS! Everybody had a blast and caught some fish!
June 9-10 2018 We were at the GO PRO MOUNTAIN GAMES for our 3rd year in a row! What a blast we had! Jace finished in 3rd and A.J. not far behind in 4th. We also were able to meet Tyler Eifert a tight end for the Cincinnati Bengals! It is going to a be a trip to remember.
May-2-2018 We were able to do our second ever Get Off The Couch School Give away! Another huge thanks to Limetime Products for the RAD kayak! We can’t wait for the next one!
April-23-2018 We were at the Fish For Garbage Lower Provo River clean up! What a better way to celebrate earth day! We filled a GIANT DUMPSTER AND TRAILER! Watch for dates on further fish for garbage events!
April-3rd-2018 We did our first Get Off The Couch school give away at Riverview Jr High! Huge thanks to Lifetime Products for being so awesome and donating a KAYAK!
January 11-14th, 2017 We will be going to DENVER for the Denver, International Sportsmen’s Expo! We will be talking down there and doing some fun things. Don’t forget that ISE will be coming to Utah in March 15-18 at the Sandy Expo Center!
December 2-7, 2017 We will be down south – at Pyramid Lake in Reno actually, trying to learn to catch giant cutthroat. Follow us on FB this week to see if we can scratch this one off our bucket list.
Novemember 10, 2017 Friday – Come up to Sundanc Resort with us to see the 80’s movie A River Runs Through It. This film got a lot of people interested in fly fishing. Robert Redford directed it so how cool is it to be able to watch it at his resort??? This is a TROUT UNLIMITED fundraiser to!!!!!!
October 14, 2017 You are welcome to sign up and show up at the 2nd Annual Hopper Dropper Derby. It is held on the Boise River in Idaho. This derby is in honor of an amazing outdoorsman, Reese Fergeson, who passed away from cancer. All of the money raised is going to Reel Recovery in his name to sponsor retreats for other men diagnosed with cancer who love the outdoors. We went to this last year and it was so great. If you want to join in – they have a facebook page or you can reach out to us to connect you.
October 8-10th, 2017 We will be helping with Utah Casting for Recovery Retreat. If you don’t know what this is -it and Reel Recovery are great to learn about. Casting for Recovery helps women that enjoy fly fishing and have either had or currently are being treated for cancer get together and spend the weekend fishing and relaxing. It is a great cause and everyone should check it out!
Saturday September 30, 2017 We will be hanging out at Cabela’s in Lehi for most of the day for a day of fishing fun! There will be conventional and fly casting competitions, booths and food. Don’t forget their shooting gallery, deli and walk through fish tank inside. We will also be collecting video games . . . don’t forget yours!!!
September 9, 2017 Saturday – come and join us at the UTAH YOUTH OUTDOOR WATERFOWL FESTIVAL in Farmington Utah. Gates will open at 8. There will be airboat rides, mudboat rides, a climbing wall and much more. Let us know if you need more information.
August 3,4,5, 2017 We (AJ and Jace) will be in Montana helping out Wasatch Custom Anglers with their fly tying booth at a Montana Fly Tying Show. Can’t wait to get on the open road up there and fish some Montana water to!
August 1-3, 2017 Cameron will be flying to Vermont for a few days. He has been invited by the ORVIS company to try out some trick casting and if all goes well, you may see these shots on social media later this year!
July 26-July 29th 2017 – OUTDOOR RETAILER We will be attending OR again this year in SLC. This is not a public event but has been great for our state. Sadly OR will be moving and this will be the last Summer OR. We think they will be moving to Colorado. Watch the news this week and let your legislators know if you would like them to help OR stay in UTAH! If you support them staying – visit the Utah Stream and Access Coalition Face Book page to find out how you can join the march to the State Capital on the 27th!
July 26-July 29-2017 We will be helping this week with Trout Camp – Sponsored by Trout Unlimited. This is a great day and night camp in Utah that teaches kids and teen to tie flies, fly fish and much more. PM us if you would like information on how to be a part of this next year and we can help you get in touch with the person in charge.
June 24, 2017 Saturday- Come join us at the amazing Ogden Fort Buenvenatura. This place rocks! We will be there with Wasatch Wigeons that work hard on preserving our local wetlands! Google Fort Buenevenatura for directions or DM us!
June 3, 2017 Saturday – The first ever Twin Territory ‘Get OFF the Couch’ Fundraiser!!!! Having this fundraiser will enable us to visit schools state and at times nation wide and introduce them to the importance of getting outdoors MORE! We have invited so many different outdoor organizations . . so there will be a lot to check out! You will need to purchase a ticket from us so follow us on FB for info on how to do that. It will be at the DeJoria Center in Kamas, UT. It is the coolest place!!!! There will be booths, a catch and release fishing pond, raffles, a silent auction and the highlight of the night will be the showing of the MF3 (Montana Fly Fishing Film Tour! There will be food available for purchase and a ton of fun stuff for every age. Watch for updates or DM us on facebook if you have questions! We have also made a web page just for this day, check it out at !
April 27-30, 2017 We will be in Missoula, MT for the Orvis Guide Rendevous. This year they will be having a kids guide competition that we are in charge of! First time we have done this and hope it will be fun for all of the Montana Kids!
April 19, 2017 Highmark Charter School Assembly.
April 7-8, 2017 Wasatch Fly Fishing Festival at the Sandy Exp Center. This year they are having a lot more going on. The casting competition is going to be crazy with $3,000 purse at stake. The best in our state and from others will be there to share tips! Kids 15 and under FREE! This raises money for TU!
March 16-March 19, 2017 It’s the biggest outdoor show in Utah! Thursday- Sunday. Get everyone and come down to the Sandy Exp Center for the International Sportsmans Expo!!!!! Check there website for the times for each day. Kids under 15 are FREE! Come to our booth to enter to win a 1/2 day guided trip of fly fishing for 2. you must be at least 8 years old to enter this. There is always a ton to see at this show and we will be speaking on Saturday at 1:30 to the KIDS!
March 10, 2017 FRIDAY Now it’s Ogdens turn for the IF4 Film. It will be at the Ogden Egyptian Theatre on Washington Blvd. Doors Open at 6. Get yourself some raffle tickets because the prizes are awesome!
March 8, 2017 If you live in the Provo area come down to the Vivint Building and watch this years IF4 Film. Cost $10! There are always tons of throw outs and everyone loves the show! Doors open at 6!
February 16-19, 2016 Get your camo on and come to the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City for this years Hunting EXPO! We will be hanging out with a booth near the Mule Deer Foundation. Can’t wait to see you all.
October 22, 2016 – You will see the winner on FB SOON but on this day we will be surprising a kid at school with a limo and a half day of missing school and going fly fishing. This kid won our ‘Hooked Up’ challenge so we are going to hook him and all of the kids in his class up! The teacher and principal are in on it to! We will have another challenge next summer so stay tuned next spring to find out how to enterr.
October 21 2016, Saturday – The first ever Zombie Fishing at Sand Hollow in St. George! DWR is helping with this and it should be sunny and fun. UPDATE – We are sorry to say this is cancelled.
October 17-19, 2016. We are going to be in Bozeman MT at the American Fly Fishing Trade Assocation. Wish us luck, we are going to be talking in front of everyone about why it is important that we find new ways to get kids in the outdoors!
October 9, 2016 If you can, drive up with your family to south fork of the Boise River for the first ever Annual Hopper Dropper Fund Raiser. This fishing derby will be raising money for Reel Recover, which is like Casting for Recovery that we helped with last month but this is for men. Reel Recovery takes men who are fighting cancer out fishing and more. This derby is in memory of Reese Fergeson who was a co creator of Hank Patterson Movies. He was an amazing man! Come if you can. DM us if you need info on how to sign up and we can get you the name of the organziser!
September 14, 1016 Saturday. This Saturday we will be helping with Casting for Recovery. you need to read all about it on their website. It means a lot to us because our Grandma who loved to be outdoors died from breast cancer just two years ago. The women we help love to fly fish but it isn’t very easy for them anymore because they are fighting cancer or are in recovery. So we just show up to try to help them. If you can come next year, ready about it and let us know. We can tell you who to call to volunteer!
September 10, 2016 – Saturday. We will be helping with the Trout Unlimited Fund Raising Banquet held at the Timbermine Resturant in Ogden! PM us if you want tickets. Starts at 7 and goes to about 10pm, Each Ticket includes a fish or steak dinner! There will be raffles and silent auctions and good, good company. The money raised helps the Trout in the Classroom Programs in our own Utah schools.
September 10, 2016 – Saturday! FREE Event for the whole family. Come visit us at the Youth Waterfowl Fair at Farmington Bay. There are air boat rides, a rock wall, raffles, booths and more! This is put on by our favorite people at DWR! Starts at 9 and goes till about noon.
August 8, 2016 Tuesday. If you have ever wanted to learn about mousing and tying a good mouse then stop by our Trout Unlimeted meeting at 6:30 for this. It is free and Jace is teaching the class.
August 3-6 , 2016 – We are so lucky to live in Utah where they hold the world known Outdoor Retailer Show! This is the summer one. Companies that make outdoor gear come to Salt Lake to show off the new and upcoming products. Can’t wait to go again. It is not open to the public but many companies give us prizes to give to you . . so keep posted to FB!
August 12-13,2017, Come and stop by the Heber Valley Fly Fishing Festival up in Midway! Midway and Heber are some of our favorite cities! The festival is blast. Look them up on Facebook for times and exact location. Can’t wait to see you there!
August 5, 2016 – Tune in to KSL Outdoors tonight at 6pm on Sunday, channel 5. The show highlights our fishing trip with Adam Eakle to a secret destination. You may hear where we went during the show!!! He is the best by the way!
June 10-13, 2016 Go Pro Games – I doubt many of you will be able to travel to Vail CO for this but it is a crazy, awesome outdoor event that has challenges for so many outdoor sports. If you can’t make it, they have a website to check out and we will be posting pictures. Wish us luck! We will be competing in the Fly Casting Competition to represent the youth from UTAH!
May 21, 2016 Trout in the Classroom release!!! We will be helping the students at Highmark Charter School release they have been learning about and raising. Should be fun!
May 7, 2016 – Come on down Saturday for a 222 Event at THE FRONT ARCHERY located at 14932 S. Concorde Park Dr., Bluffdale, UT ! We will be there from 9-2 and this is a free activity for kids under the age of 17. It is going to be a blast. Hope you see you there ready to duel!
April 15-16, 2016 Come on down the the Sandy Expo Center to learn from the best. The Wasatch Fly Fishing Expo! There will be casting and fly tying demos and tons of booths to buy products. Come and see us to enter a raffle! Bring your video games for an extra raffle ticket!
April 16, 2016 Come to the Lehi, Cabelas from 11am till noon will teach you how to tie a new fly for your fly box! Also, we will doing ‘the’ video game swap. Bring new or used video games and exhange them for an outdoor prize!!!!
April 7-9, 2016 We will be out of town and are so excited. We will be in Missoula, Montana for the ORVIS Rendezvous that is for Fly Fishing Guides from all over the United States. Wish us luck because we will be doing a short presentation about kids.
March 17-20, 2016 It’s that time again for THE – International Sportsmans Expo! Thur Noon-9pm, Fri Noon-9pm, Sat 10-8pm, Sun 10-5! We will have a link to there website here soon! We will be changing it up this year so don’t forget your chance to visit our booth. Also, as always bring your used video games for Primary Children’s Hospital for tickets to the OUTDOOR raffle going on every day of the event!
January 4-8, 2016 – We will be at the Outdoor Retailer Show! We will be working on getting our next 222 WINTER Event lined up for the kids that would like to try skiing or snowboarding at a local resort! We will keep you updated. Check out our FB page too for more information as we get it!
Dec. 31 2015 – January 2, 2016 – A New Years Give Away! Check out our Instagram for your chance to win an amazing TACKY Box! Thank you Tacky for helping us start out 2016 the right way!
November 19-24th, 2015 – It’s your chance to win a Twin Territory Coat to help you prepare for the snow coming. Go to our FB page and enter today!
October 10th, 2015 – 2nd ANNUAL 222 ZOMBIE FISHING EVENT! 9am-2pm, Farmington Pond, Farmington, Utah – Free for all ages. Derby is for kids 17 and younger. DWR will be providing poles, Sportsmans Warehouse is providing the bait(worms), we will have professional face painters there to ‘zombify’ you, Cabelas is providing lunch, Get Your Bounce on will have a giant, blow up slide for young kids and we will have a TON of OUTDOOR PRIZES for a raffle and the winners! Will be televised . . . so get your Zombie on!
September 26, 2015 – Come and join us for the day at THE SUNDANCE RESORT! Outdoor Fair! Free for all ages! Games, food, music and more. Check out their Facebook page for more info!
August 26-28, 2015 – We will be at the Green River representing the Weber Basin Trout Unlimited Chapter in the Trout Unlimited One Fly Competition. Wish us luck – only youth in it . . . ever!
August 5-8th, 2015 Heber Valley Fly Fishing Festival and Kids Derby – Hosted by Fall River Fly Rods and much more. Free Event for all ages with booths of all kinds! Come and check out the best of what the Heber Valley has to offer. (Food trucks on site)
August 1, 2015 PADDLEBOARDING – Come to Deer Creek Reservior from 11am-4pm and try out Kayaks and Paddleboards for Free! Life Jackets provided. Food Trucks will be there too if you forget to bring your lunch, don’t forget to bring some cash!
July 24, 2015 – Holiday Giveaway – Check out our Facebook page for your chance to enter a photo of you in the outdoors and win a great outdoor prize!
June 12, 2105 – Free day of outdoor fun. Join us at the Lee Kay Center with Utah Division of Wildlife Resources from 9am until 5pm. There will be fourwheelers, bird dogs, archery, shooting range and more! Free for the whole family!
May 2015 – The Youth Turkey Hunt is going on now! Check with the DWR for dates and places to go! Message us too if we can help you with any questions.
April 29, 2015 9 am – 1pm – It’s River Clean Up Time. Come and join us at the Fish 4 Garbage Provo River Clean Up and help us make the Provo River look as beautiful as it can be. Prizes for the most garbage collected!
April 19, 2015 Join us at Brighton Ski Resort for some Kayaking in the snow! This is a USAC fundraiser and we woudn’t miss it! Food, music and fun in the mountains. Check out our FB page or Brighton Ski Resort’s website for more information!
March 27, 2015 Wasatch Fly Tying Festival – Come and learn to tie and cast with the best in the industry. For ALL ages. 10am-6pm both days. Find us for some free casting lessons!
March 26, 2015 – Come and join us in Logan, Utah at the Sportsmans Warehouse store from 5pm-9pm for their annual Outdoor Day! There will be information ad helpers on hand in the archery, camping, fishing, gun dept and more!
March 21, 2015 – Video Game Exchange at the Talkn’ Turkey Days at Cabelas in Lehi, Utah. Bring us your used Video Games and exchange them for a great outdoor surprise! 9am-2pm
March 13-15th, 2015- It’s ISE!!!! International Sportsmans Expo at the Sandy, Southtowne Expo Center. We will be doing a presentation on TT! Come and find us!
March 6, 2015 – Come and support USAC at the Ogden Egyptian Theatre. $10 ticket to the Fly Fishing Film Tour – proceeds go to the help out our local Ogden and Weber Rivers!
February 13, 2015 – Valentines Day Giveaway! Enter to win a $200 Gift Card on our Facebook Page today!
January 31, 2015 – 222 Event – ICE Fishing at East Canyon with Cabelas and DWR – See our FB page for directions
October 11, 2014 – 222 Event, Kids Fishing Challenge 9am-2pm, Willow Pond, Murray, Utah Thank you DWR, Cabelas and Get Your Bounce on for the support!
August 29-Sept 1 – 2014
Feather Hook, Afton, Wyoming
Going to be at Feather Hook, Afton Wyoming teaching a class to the youth about FLY FISHING!
August 22-23, 2014
Heber City Fly Fishing Festival, Heber, Utah
It’s a blast come and join. More info coming!
Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014
222 Event – cancelled until September, stay posted for day and time.
Free to Kids – More info coming soon! Stay tuned on FB too!
August 6-9, 2014
Outdoor Retailer Show, Salt Lake City, Utah
We will be helping ORVIS at the UTAH OUTDOOR RETAILER SHOW!
July 1-5, 2014
We will be gone this week. Can’t believe we are going to have the opportunity to try to catch Tarpon and Peacock Bass off the coast of Southern Florida!
Wed., June 25, 2014
Sportsmans Warehouse, Logan, Utah
Helping out at Logan Sportsmans Warehouse – watch FB for more info!
Sat., June 21, 2014
Green River Big Fish Challenge, Green River, WY
Starts at 6am, see Big Fish Challenge FB for registration information!
Sat., June 14th, 2014
222 EVENT 2-4 pm
Fishing with Cabelas at Lee Kay Center – Don’t forget to enter to win a Winchester Shotgun from Fowl Minded and Cabelas!!!!
Fri. and Sat., June 13th and 14th, 2014
Outdoor Adventure Days, SLC, UT
Participating in the DWR Outdoor Adventure Days at the Lee Kay Center in SLC – See Facebook Page for Details ! We will be with Fowl Minded and Cabelas, find their booths and say HI!
Wed., June 11, 2014
DWR Event, SLC, UT
Helping DWR and Ducks Unlimited catch and band geese in SLC!
Sat., June 7, 2014
Cabelas, Lehi, Utah
Helping Kids tie flies for Father’s Day at Cabelas in Lehi! 12-4pm
Wed., May 21, 2014
DWR Banquet, Salt Lake City, Utah
Utah State Division of Wildlife Resources BANQUET
May 9, 2014
Sportsmans Warehouse, Logan, Utah
Teaching Fly Rod Casting Lessons at Sportsmans Warehouse, Logan Utah 6-8pm
May 3, 2014
Competing in the Big Fish Challenge – Come and Join, Check out our FB page for details!
May 1, 2014
Teaching Fly Rod Casting Lessons at Sportsmans Warehouse in Sandy
April 26-27th – Turkey Hunting with our winner, Keagan AND Cabelas AND the National Turkey Federation Pros!
Saturday, April 19, 2014
222 Event
Come and learn from the Pros at Cabela’s in Lehi what you need to know about Turkey Hunting. Then enter for your chance to win a guided hunt!
March 13-16, 2014
It’s the INTERNATIONAL OUTDOOR EXPO at the South Towne Expo Center, Sandy, Utah Look for our booth in the Kids Fair. Bring a new or gently used video game to donate to a childrens’ hospital and for each one, get a raffle ticket for your chance to win an AMAZING prize at the end of the day. Come and learn about the free 222 events coming up this year plus much more. Thanks ISE for caring about kids in UTAH.
March 1, 2014 – Saturday
We will be at the CABELA’S Great Outdoor Day. Bring a new or used video game to donate to a local children’s hospital and CABELA’S will exchange it for an outdoor gift. (One per child) Let us help you have a blast at CABELA’S! We are lucky to have their great store in our neck of the woods! : )
February 28, 2014
February 8, 2014
The first 222 Event of 2014.
Ice fishing party at Pineview Resevoir, Huntsville, Utah 9am-12:30 Prize Give Out at 12:30, Dress warm. Check back here or on our FB page for updates on who will be coming!
January 24, 2014
Winter Outdoor Retailer Show
January 10-17, 2014
Video game collection at Highmark Charter School, South Weber, Utah
December 12, 2013 222 SNOWTIME Event Snowmobiling, Cross Country Skiing, Ice Fishing and more – Stay tuned to FB page for our updates, this event will depend on how much snow we have!- Weather permitting
November 4, 2013 finishing up our 2nd commercial with the help of LIFE TIME PRODUCTS to help out USAC.
October 9, 2013
222 Event
Saturday – at 2:00 pm we will hold a skeet shooting for youth contest. We will be giving away prizes for the most birds down.
September 7, 2013 Saturday – We are competing in the Big Fish Challenge Part 3 – Check out their website for entry fee and location. All ages Welcome.
August 16-17, 2013 (Friday – Saturday) We are competing in the Big Fish Challenge Part 2 – check out their website for entry fee and location. All ages Welcome.
August 10, 2013 ( Saturday) – Teaching Fly-fishing Clinics to Heber City Youth
July 16, 2013 (Tuesday) Teaching Fly-fishing Clinics to Heber Youth
July 12 and 13, 3013 We are competing in the Big Fish Challenge – check out their website for entry fee and location. All ages Welcome.
June 22, 2013 (Saturday) TWIN TERRITORY/Big Fish Challenge to host a YOUTH BIG FISH CHALLENGE. Fishing contest for ages 17 and under. Location – Willow Pond in Murray, Utah TIME – 9 am to 1 pm -more details to come
June 8, 2013 (Saturday) Teaching Fly-fishing Clinics to Heber City Youth
Last week in May – We are shooting a web commercial to support USAC.
May 22, 2013 – Wednesday (5-7pm) Weber River Clean Up – Meeting at 4:45 at Park -n- Ride off of exit 405 for grouping up and where to go.
May 17, 2013 -Friday (6-8pm) Lemonade Day at Highmark Charter School – We will be having a Twin Territory Booth promoting getting outdoors to all of their great students
April 20, 2013 – Saturday, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet – 6pm, Sandy, South Town Expo Center
March 17 – 20, 2013 (Thursday – Sunday) – Come and see our Twin Territory Booth in the Youth Section of the ISE Outdoor Expo and the Sandy South Towne Expo Center.
Casting for Recovery Fall of 2016